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Cashco,Inc.是一家领先的制造商和全球各种工业控制产品的营销商。产品包括控制阀,调节器,控制器,压力/真空释放通风口以及火焰和爆炸阻止器。 Cashco,Inc.通过遍布全球的办事处和代表网络为其客户提供化学,终端存储,石油和天然气,电子,食品和药品等行业的服务。
A. W. Cash Company成立于1920年11月13日,公司的生产业务位于伊利诺伊州Decatur。 1934年,马萨诸塞州伍斯特市的Riley Stoker公司收购了A. W. Cash Company的股票。 A. W. Cash Company的名称于1972年2月18日更改为Cashco Incorporated。
1976年3月,Cashco从Decatur搬到了堪萨斯州的Ellsworth。 1979年,Cashco的母公司The Riley Company被美国过滤公司收购,该公司本身于1981年被Ashland Oil收购。
1984年底,亚什兰暂时同意将Cashco出售给计划关闭工厂的公司。来自Cashco管理层,Ellsworth社区领导和堪萨斯州国会代表团(主要是参议员Bob Dole)的共同努力,使得Ashland在1985年5月6日向Phillip G. Rogers领导的一群投资者出售Cashco。因此,Cashco继续今天在埃尔斯沃思开展业务。
1998年3月30日,Cashco收购了德克萨斯州休斯顿的Valve Concepts公司的资产。 Valve Concepts由J. Yen Ligh创立,设计和制造储罐阀和先导式排气阀,用于控制与储罐相关的蒸汽空间和排放。
1999年10月12日,Cashco收购了位于新泽西州West Orange的Kaye&MacDonald工厂。到10月18日,所有设备都搬迁到KS的Ellsworth。该系列阀门为当前生产线增加了高流量和高纯度尺寸。
Cashco生产一系列独立的调节阀和控制阀。调节器是自给自足的阀门,可根据调节器的管路压力控制流量。相反,控制阀基于来自控制器的外部信号控制流量。 Cashco阀门控制工业应用中的液体和气体阀门通过制造商代表网络进行销售。
Cashco, Inc. is a leading manufacturer and worldwide marketer of a broad line of industrial control products. Products include control valves, regulators, controllers, pressure/vacuum relief vents, and flame and detonation arrestors. Cashco, Inc. services their customers in industries including chemical, terminal storage, oil & gas, electronics, food and pharmaceutical through a worldwide network of offices and representatives.
The A. W. Cash Company was incorporated on November 13, 1920, with production operations of the company located in Decatur, Illinois. In 1934, the Riley Stoker Corporation of Worcester, Mass., acquired the stock of the A. W. Cash Company. The name of the A. W. Cash Company was changed to Cashco, Incorporated on February 18, 1972.
In March, 1976, Cashco moved from Decatur to Ellsworth, Kansas. In 1979, Cashco's parent, The Riley Company, was acquired by the U. S. Filter Corporation which was, itself, acquired by Ashland Oil in 1981.
In late 1984, Ashland tentatively agreed to sell Cashco to a company that planned to close the plant. A concerted effort from Cashco management, Ellsworth community leaders and the Kansas congressional delegation (primarily Senator Bob Dole), convinced Ashland to sell Cashco instead to a group of investors headed by Phillip G. Rogers on May 6, 1985. Consequently, Cashco continues to operate in Ellsworth today.
On March 30, 1998, Cashco purchased the assets of Valve Concepts, Inc., Houston, Texas. Valve Concepts, founded by J. Yen Ligh, designs and manufactures tank blanketing valves and pilot-operated vent valves used to control the vapor space and emissions associated with storage tanks.
On October 12, 1999, Cashco purchased Kaye & MacDonald factory in West Orange, NJ. By October 18, all equipment had been relocated to Ellsworth, KS. This line of valves added high flow and high purity dimension to the current lines.
March, 2002 saw the purchase of Sensiflo in Colton, CA. This line of valves brought high pressure into the line of valves. Machining and assembly is done at Cashco in Ellsworth.
Cashco's business consists of two major segments:
Cashco manufactures a proprietary line of self-contained regulators and control valves. The regulators are self-sufficient valves that control the flow based on line pressure at the regulator. By contrast, control valves control flow based on an external signal coming from a controller. Cashco valves control liquids and gases in industrial applications. The valves are sold through a network of manufacturers' representatives.
Cashco manufactures a full line of tank blanketing, pressure/vacuum conservation vents, emergency vents, flame and detonation arrestors. This market is specifically focused on oil & gas, storage facilities, terminals, and distribution centers.
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